Menus Déroulants

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  • jeudi 14 mars 2013

    Card of the Day! 14/03/2013

    不死竜 マレフィックドラゴン Undead Dragon, Malefic Dragon
    Grade 3/Granblue - Skeleton/10000 Power/No Shield
    [AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your opponent's [Power] is 12000 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.
    [AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a «Granblue» vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.

    "To a cursed dragon, even the blessing of the Almighty are meaningless."

    禍々しい瘴気の炎を身に纏う不死の竜。 生前は凶星の下に生まれついたと言われる程、何をやっても悪い方向に働く不運な戦士だった。 しかし、不死者として蘇った後は強大な力を発揮するようになり、その力に比例するかのように、性格も狂暴で残忍なものに変わっていったという。 周囲の生物から見境なく生気を吸収し、瘴気の炎で水を腐らす腐海の亡竜。 凶星の下に生まれついたと笑われた戦士は、いつしか凶星を従える魔物として恐れられるようになった。 その悪辣な行動はかつて自分を蔑んだ者への報復か、斯様な星の下に産み落とした神への復讐か。 神に愛されず朽ちた亡者は、生きとし生ける者すべてを冒涜する為だけに、海を彷徨う。

    An undead dragon cloaked in flames of wicked miasma. It's said it was born under stars of ill omen, an unfortunate warrior whose life made a turn for the worse, no matter what he did. However, he only became the brutal savage monstrosity he is today, after having been revived as a part of the undead, and the more power he showed, the nastier he became. It indiscriminately consumes all living things around it, as its miasmatic flames have rotted the very sea around it into a "Rotten Sea". The soldier who was laughed at and mocked for being born under such terrible stars is now feared as a demon under the sway of those same stars. Is his vicious actions retribution for those who once looked down upon him, or is it vengeance against God for having been born under such stars? He wanders the seven seas as a ghost unloved by the almighty, existing as a blasphemy to all those who live.

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