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  • jeudi 7 février 2013

    Card of the Day! 07/02/2013

    獣神 エシックス・バスター Beast Deity, Ethics Buster
    Grade 3/Nova Grappler - Battleroid/11000 Power/No Shield
    [AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When a «Nova Grappler» rides this unit, you may choose one of your vanguards, and that unit gets [Power]+10000, and gets "[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, [Stand] all your «Nova Grappler» rear-guards in your front row." until end of turn.
    [AUTO](VC):When this unit is boosted by a «Nova Grappler», this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
    [CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn't belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)

    "I am strong, you are weak. How about that, is that simple enough for you?"

    ここ数年爆発的な人気を誇る戦闘機兵集団、獣神軍の新メンバー。 製造番号の法則がこれまでの機体と若干異なっている事から、彼が最新型の獣神であると確認できる。 AIが試作段階の為か感情の起伏が激しく、自身の強さを過信しすぎる所が玉にキズだが、基本的な性能は過去に製造されたほとんどの機体を上回る。 何処かの国の神話に登場する「翼を持つ暴虎」をモチーフにしたと言われる猛々しいその姿。 伝承の獣が放つ灼熱の光拳は、己の勝利を確信した揺るぎない瞳の色と同じように朱く輝く。

    One of the newest members of the Beast Deity Army, the group of fighting mechanical soldiers whose popularity has exploded in recent years. Because the manufacturing number laws have changed since the older models, one can tell it is a state-of-the-art Beast Deity. Since its AI is in the prototype stages, it has issues with violent mood swings, and its overconfidence in its own strength is a glaring flaw, but its general performance stands above many machines made in the past. The motif of its brutal appearance is a Winged Ferocious Tiger, that comes up in the myths of a certain country somewhere. Burning hot fists of light unleash the legendary beast, glowing the same red as his eyes, which are full of an unwavering confidence of his own victory.

    近年ノヴァグラップルに出場するようになった、獣や竜を象る機兵の総称。 制作者は不明。 共通点は全ての機兵が自らを「獣神」と称している事、目的がノヴァグラップルへの出場・優勝である事の二つ。 他のバトロイドと比べて特別大きな性能差は無いが、リーダー機として製造されている竜型機兵だけは破格の性能を誇り、彼の指揮下で戦う際にだけ見られる見事な連携は、感嘆の一言に尽きる。

    Beast Deity
    The general name for the various machines shaped like beasts and dragons that have come to compete in the Nova Grapplers league in recent years. Who built them is unknown. However, the purpose of all these mechanical soldiers called "Beast Deities" have in common is to participate in the Nova Grapplers league, and if possible at all, win by whatever means necessary. They have no unique performance differences to other Battleroids, with only their leader, a mechanical soldier shaped like a dragon, boasting any exceptional performance, but their cooperation, seen only when he leads them, is stunning to say the least, and likely comes down to sheer admiration.

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