Menus Déroulants

  • blogger
  • mardi 8 janvier 2013

    Card of the Day! 08/01/2013

    ディグニファイド・ゴールド・ドラゴン Dignified Gold Dragon
    Grade 3/Gold Paladin - Cosmo Dragon/10000 Power/No Shield
    Auto: [VC] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage): When this Unit attacks the Vanguard, this card gains 5000 power during that battle.
    Auto [RC]: When this Unit attacks the Vanguard, if you have a "Gold Paladin" Vanguard, this Unit gains 2000 Power during this battle.

    "Comrades, let us march forth together! Gold Rising!"

    かつて騎士王と共に影の騎士達と戦った騎士王直下親衛隊の一員。 英雄の解放と共に戦線に復帰し、再び主君の下でその剣を振るう事になった。 「金貴竜」という別称を持ち、同じ親衛隊に所属する「銀貴竜」は弟弟子にあたる。 騎士の鑑と言える程に規律と主君に忠実な騎士だが、仲間や部下に対して冷たい訳では無く、同じ志を持つ仲間達と共に戦える事を常に誇りに思っている。 一切の隙が無い堅実なる剣技。 堅牢な鎧を纏っているとは思えない程に流麗で迷いの無いその動きは、彼の生き様を体現しているかのようにも見える。

    A member of the King's personal guard who has served and fought with the King for many years, even fighting the Shadow Paladins. When the heroes were released, he decided to return to the front line, picking up his swords again and ready to serve his master. He has the nick name of "Golden Dragon", and has a pupil nicknamed "Silver Dragon" who belongs to the same team of guards. He is a model knight, who follows the rules of chivalry and the word of his lord, he is never cold to neither friend nor subordinate. and is always glad to fight side-by-side with like-minded colleagues. His sword-fighting is rather sound and reliable, with no major flaws or gaps. The fact he moves so elegantly, with no hint of hesitation, despite the tough armor he wears, is practically an embodiment of his way of life.

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