Menus Déroulants

  • blogger
  • mercredi 9 janvier 2013

    Card of the Day! 09/01/2013

    暗殺剣の抹消者 スウセイ Eradicator of the Assassin's Sword, Suusei
    Grade 2/Narukami - Human/8000 Power/5000 Shield
    Auto (V/R): [Counter Blast (2)] When this Unit's attack hits the opponent's Vanguard, if you have a Vanguard with "Eradicator" in its card name, you can pay the cost. If you do, select 1 of your opponent's Front Row Rearguards and retire it.

    "How unlucky, but... ... this place is quite appropriate for you."

    妖の妙技を繰る稀代の暗殺者にして、「抹消者」の称号を持つ戦士。 忍の里の出身であり、元々は諜報部隊に所属していたが、その類稀なる戦士としての才能を見込まれて強襲部隊へ転属となった。 戦闘に至ってはもちろん、歩行・呼吸をはじめ、何をするにも音を立てずに行う事から敵だけではなく味方からも「亡霊」「死神」などと呼ばれ恐れられている。 起源は鬼神魍魎の類とまで言われる程に畏怖される帝国秘伝の暗殺剣。 予兆も無く舞い降りる死神の刃は、「生」と「生」の間に「死」を滑り込ませる。 彼に狙われれば死の間際すら恐怖を感じる事は無いだろう。

    A Warrior with the title "Eradicator", who is a rather rare assassin with enchanting, exquisite skills. Born to a Ninja village, he was originally a part of a Intelligence Team, but as his skills as a rare and gifted warrior became more and more apparent, he was transferred to the Assault Team. Of course when he arrives to fight, he scares not only his foes, but his friends and allies as well, moving and acting without a sound, as you can hear him neither breathe nor his footsteps fall, leading him to be called such things as "A Ghost", "The Grim Reaper" or "Death Itself". He, the Empire's secret assassin, is feared and rumored to be some sort of Kishin, a nasty goblin, a frightening spirit, or some sort of demon from the great beyond. The blade of this Grim Reaper plunges in without a sign, a snapshot of "death" that slips in between the frames of "life". Even if he prepares to kill you, you will be unable to feel fear as you die...

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