Menus Déroulants

  • blogger
  • vendredi 18 janvier 2013

    Card of the Day! 17/01/2013

    弾幕の抹消者 シオン Chain-Attack Eradicator, Shion
    Grade 3/Narukami - Human/10000 Power/No Shield
    [AUTO](VC/RC):[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

    "Against me? It's already over! Rapid Storm!"

    帝国領土の広大な砂漠を守護する者、デザートガンナーの一人にして、「抹消者」の称号を授かった若き戦士。 粗野な性格とは裏腹に、正確無比且つ容赦の無い一斉射撃を得意とする一流の射手。 まるで一枚の絵のように緻密な機動を描くその射撃は、理論上無限に撃ち続けられる魔力供給式の銃で無ければ、その本領を発揮できないと言われるほどである。 彼は風と砂に愛されし砂漠の守護者。 一発の弾丸は瞬く間に嵐となり、眼前の標的を飲み込んでしまうだろう。

    A young warrior with the title "Eradicator", is one of the Desert Gunners who guard the vast deserts of the Empire's territory. Contrary to his vulgar personality, he's a first-rate marksman who prides himself on his accuracy and unrelenting firepower. The way he shoots forms a picture, so if he isn't armed with a magical gun supplied with infinite ammo, it's a sign of his skills. He is a desert guardian who loves the wind and the sand. One of his bullets becomes a storm of them, ripping the target apart like Swiss cheese before their very eyes.

    ドラゴンエンパイア二大柱軍が一つ“なるかみ”の戦士達の中でも、特に帝国に忠実な者達で構成された特殊部隊。 帝国に仇為す者を文字通り「抹消」する事を目的としており、平時が如何に平和的な者であっても、任務中は非情な選択が取れるよう特別な訓練を受けている。 なお、任命された者は自身が「抹消者」の称号を持っている事を、上層部と同部隊の者以外に知られてはならない。

    The Eradicators
    The Special Forces consisting of the most faithful and loyal in all the empire, made up of warriors from one of the two major military pillars of the "Dragon Empire", Narukami. Their mission is to literally "eradicate" any who would cross the empire, and no matter how peaceful things get, they are specially trained to be as cruel and ruthless as needed to get things done. As well, those appointed with the title "Eradicator", only their superiors and other Eradicators know who they are, with their fellow troops unaware as to their true rank.

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