Menus Déroulants

  • blogger
  • jeudi 10 janvier 2013

    Card of the Day! 10/01/2013

    ドラゴンダンサー・ヴェロニカ Dragon Dancer, Veronica
    Grade 2/Narukami - Human/8000 Power/5000 Shield
    [AUTO]: When this unit intercepts, if you have a <Narukami> Vanguard, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle.

    "I'll protect you! Even if it hurts a little!"

    降り注ぐ雷と共に踊る“なるかみ”の舞姫。 雷の防壁で攻撃を防ぐ前線部隊の守護者であると 同時に、強力な召雷で敵兵を蹴散らす召喚士でもある。 自分が戦うのはもちろん観戦も好む無類の戦闘好きであり、ノヴァグラップルを観に海を越えてスターゲートまで行ったという噂まで立っている。 が、本人曰く「命を賭けた戦いは泥臭いからイヤ」らしい。 彼女の防壁の性能は信用に値するが、時折展開する場所を間違えて味方を感電させてしまうのが玉にキズである。

    A dancer of "Narukami" who dances to the beat of the crashing lightning. She is a summoner who uses walls of thunder and lightning to protect the front-line troops from enemy attacks, while also calling upon lightning to scatter the enemy. It's also said no one can match her love for fighting sports like wrestling and grappling, and there's rumors she goes overseas to Star Gate to watch fights at the Nova Grappler wrestling league. But she says can't stand anyone who would throw their life on the line for a fight, saying she finds it unrefined and disgusting. You can definitely trust her to protect you with her barriers, though she does have a tendency at times to accidentally shock her allies.

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