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  • lundi 14 janvier 2013

    Card of the Day! 14/01/2013

    未来の解放者 リュー Future Liberator, Llew
    Grade 1/Gold Paladin - Human/6000 Power/5000 Shield
    [AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a «Gold Paladin» vanguard, if the number of other rear-guards you have with "Liberator" in its card name is three or more, the boosted unit gets [Power]+4000 until end of that battle.

    "The dream has only just begun."

    新たなる仲間と共に黄金騎士団の一員として復帰した騎士。 少年の面影が残るほどに年若い青年だが、以前の内乱の折、聖騎士団の一員として立派に戦い抜いた騎士であり、身にまとった黄金の鎧はその証として授かった物である。 一人前の騎士として普段は毅然とした態度を取るよう努力しているが、ハイドッグ達との仲は健在のようで、同じく一人前と認められた「ういんがる」とは毎日のように口喧嘩をしており、同僚や先輩騎士の溜息を誘っている。 自分一人の力が小さく儚い物である事を、戦いの中で彼は学んだ。 だからこそ、力を合わせて戦う事の意味も知った。 明るい未来を夢見る青年は、その未来を人々に届ける為、今日も仲間と共に戦う。

    A knight who has returned to become a member of the Gold Paladins, with some new friends by his side. He's a young man who still looks like a boy, but during the previous civil war, he was a knight who bravely fought as a part of the Royal Paladins. The golden armor he now wears are proof of this. He constantly pushes himself to remain resolute as a full-fledged knight, but he's still on great terms with the High Dogs, though he and Wingal (who was also recognized as a full-fledged adult) still get into stupid squabbles, inviting the exasperation of their colleagues and the more senior knights. He has come to learn that in a battle, one person's power is a stiny, ephemeral thing. He has learned that to fight means to fight together. The young man who dreams of a better tomorrow fights alongside his friends to ensure that the people will see that "tomorrow".

    神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の中から選ばれた、国と星を守る使命を騎士王より託された者達の総称。 悪しき者の手から全てを解き放つという意を込めて「解放者」と名付けられた。 称された者は周囲から新時代の導き手と呼ばれている。 “ゴールドパラディン”の若き戦士達が構成の中心だが、歴戦の勇士である“ロイヤルパラディン”の戦士からもある程度抜擢されているという。

    The Liberators
    The general term for those chosen from the second standing army of United Sanctuary, "The Gold Paladins", they are the few that the King of Knights has entrusted with the mission of protecting not only the Sanctuary, but the entire world of Cray. They were named the "Liberators" because they liberate all who have been ensnared by the schemes of the wicked. Those with the title are said to be the guiding hand of the new era. At the center of the group are the young warriors who saved the day, known as the "Gold Paladins", but some of their number are battle-scarred veterans who were handpicked for the job.

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