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  • mercredi 23 janvier 2013

    Card of the Day! 23/01/2013

    必中の宝石騎士[スティンギング・ジュエルナイト シェリー] シェリー Stinging Jewel Knight, Sherry
    Grade 1/Royal Paladin - Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
    Auto (RC): When this unit attacks, and if you have 3 or more other Rearguards with "Jewel Knight" in its name, during this battle, this unit gets Power +3000.

    "Understood, dear sister. Leave it to me!"

    “ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭、「宝石騎士」の一人で、「トレーシー」の実妹。 紅色の「魔宝石」を持つ。 弓術に関しては部隊一と言われ、魔法による補正をかけなくても数百メートル先の獲物を一撃で仕留める程の腕を持つ。 平時は前衛として戦う姉を守る為、後背からの支援に徹しているが、情勢次第では前に出る事も厭わない。 彼女の弓は音の速さで空を翔け、その軌跡を赤く彩り、対象を確実に打ち抜く。必中(スティンギング)の異名は伊達では無い。

    The younger sister of "Tracy", she is one of the "Jewel Knights", the elite of the "Royal Paladins". She possesses red magical jewels. She is said to be one of the best archers in the Royal Paladins, able to kill targets dead-in from several hundred meters away without even using her magic. During peacetime, she protects her elder sister who tends to fight as the Vanguard, pouring her heart and soul into supporting from the rear, but she isn't averse to fighting in the front if the situation calls for it. Her bolts soar through the sky at the speed of sound, their trails a dazzling red, and regularly hit their targets. Her nickname "Stinging", which refers to her deadly accuracy of hitting targets, isn't just for show.

    神聖国家第一正規軍“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭騎士に与えられる称号の一つ。 選ばれた者は魔力を込めた煌びやかな宝玉、「魔宝石」が埋め込まれた装具を身に着ける為、騎士団一華やかな部隊としても有名。 所属するのは、伝統ある騎士の御業に魔法という超常の力を足した戦いを主流とする者達であり、その装具と戦法から「魔宝騎士」と呼ばれる事もある。

    The Jewel Knights
    One of the titles handed out to elite knights in the first army of United Sanctuary, "Royal Paladin". Those chosen wear and use armor and equip that are covered in gorgeous gemstones and jewels containing with magical power known as Magical Jewels, causing them to also be known as the most fabulous and glamorous knights in the army. Those who belong to their numbers combine the traditional style of a knight along with the additional supernatural power of magic, and are nicknamed the "Knights of the Magical Treasures" due to their equipment and the tactics they employ using them.

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